THE iphone5 buzz & some other fun stuff for APPLE ‘iLOVERS’: iPHONE5, iOS6, & the ipad3 got SIRI!!!!!

Well, I don’t know about you, but theIMG_3003update got me more excited than anything! 

BUT FIRST came the updated iTunes UPGRADE,

then the IMG_3003 ….

with the coolest additions to your iPhone 4, 4s & iPAD3!

AND…that wasn’t even counting the big kahuna of iphone5 OUTBREAK on 9/21!

And another fun thing ….SIRI KNOWS NFL!  And Siri is not just a woman anymore! 

Siri can be the man you’ve always wanted on your iPAD3 &

calling you Princess, if you prefer! hahahahaha

WARNING though: click here> Jailbreak with a catch!!!  Be careful! has all the fun HOW-To’s and the latest updates to your idevices!